Christian Institute Of Health Sciences & Research College Of Nursing

Private Est. 2000Dimapur, Nagaland

The College of Nursing (CON) was started in the year 2011 with the objective to develop undergraduate and post graduate teaching programs, to cater to needs of Nagaland and the rest of the North East region. The College of Nursing, CIHSR is the first nursing college in the state of Nagaland. The courses offered by the College of Nursing at present are the General Nursing Midwifery (GNM), under the Assam Nurses“ Midwives’ & Health Visitors’ Council, B.Sc. Nursing (Basic) and Post Basic B.Sc Nursing, which are affiliated to the Nagaland University.
College of Nursing, CIHSR is approved by the Indian Nursing Council (INC) to conduct the aforementioned nursing courses. Highly competent and experienced nursing faculty and other medical and allied health professionals are associated with the institute to train our students.

B.Sc. Nursing 40
P.B. B.Sc. Nursing 20
GNM Nursing -

ADDRESS: 4th Mile, Dimapur, P.B. No. 31 P.O ARTC, Nagaland, 797115.

Phone No: +91 3862-242555
FAX: +91 3862-242555
EMAIL: [email protected]

Web Site:

Admission Process


The General Nursing Midwifery program is a 3-year course. The student, on completion of the GNM program will develop competency in providing care to individuals either in the hospital or community and is licensed to practice nursing. He/ She will also develop basic skills in teaching patients, in administration and leadership while working with other members of the health team and community.


  • First year include Fundamentals of Nursing, Biological Sciences, Behavioral Sciences, Computer Education, Community Health Nursing-I and English.
  • Second Year comprises of subjects such as Medical Surgical Nursing, Mental Health and Psychiatry Nursing and Child Health Nursing.
  • Third year, the subjects of study include Obstetrics and Gynaecological Nursing, Community Health Nursing II. Nursing Education, Introduction to Research, Professional trends and adjustments. Nursing Administration and Ward Management.


Minimum qualification

  • 1O+2 passed preferably Science with (Physics, Chemistry, Biology & English with aggregate of 40% marks.)
  • 10+2 passed in Arts (Mathematics. Biotechnology. Economics, Political Science, History, Geography, Business Studies, Accountancy, Home Science, Sociology, Psychology, Philosophy) and English Core/ English Elective or Health Care Science – Vocational stream only, passing out from a recognized Board under AISSCE/CBSE/ICSE/SSCE/ HSCE or other equivalent Board with 40% marks. 5% relaxation for SC/ST
  • IO + 2 vocational ANM under CBSE Board or other equivalent board from the school and recognized by Indian Nursing Council with 40% marks. Registered as ANM with State Nursing Council.
  • Student qualified in 1O + 2 Arts or Science examination

Minimum age

  • I7 and Maximum 35 years.


The undergraduate nursing program is aimed at preparing graduates to assume responsibilities as professional, competent nurses and midwives in providing promotive, preventive, curative and rehabilitative services. The students on completion will be competent in making independent decisions in nursing situations, protecting the rights of and facilitate individuals and groups in pursuit of health, function in the hospital, community services and conduct research studies in the area of nursing practice. They are also expected to assume the role of a teacher, supervisor and manager in a clinical/ public health setting.

Objectives of the course:

On completion of the four year B.Sc. Nursing program the graduate will be able to:

  • Apply knowledge from physical, biological and behavioral sciences, medicine including alternative systems and nursing in providing nursing care to individuals, families and communities.
  • Demonstrate understanding of life style and other factors, which affect health of individuals and groups.
  • Provide nursing care based on steps of nursing process in collaboration with the individuals and groups.
  • Demonstrates critical thinking skill in making decision in all situations in order to provide quality care.
  • Utilize the latest trends and technology in providing health care.
  • Provide promotive, preventive and restorative health services in line with the national health policies and programmes.
  • Practice within the framework of code of ethics and professional conduct and acceptable standards of practice within the legal boundaries.
  • Communicate effectively with individuals and groups and members of the health team in order to promote effective interpersonal relationships and teamwork.
  • Demonstrates skills in teaching to individuals and groups in clinical/ community health settings.
  • Participate effectively as members of the health team in health care delivery system.
  • Demonstrate leadership and managerial skills in clinical/ community health settings.
  • Conduct need based research studies in various settings and utilize the research findings to improve the quality of care.
  • Demonstrate awareness, interest and contribute towards advancement of self and of the profession.
  • First year include Fundamentals of Nursing, Biological Sciences, Behavioral Sciences, Computer Education, Community Health Nursing-I and English.
  • Second Year comprises of subjects such as Medical Surgical Nursing, Mental Health and Psychiatry Nursing and Child Health Nursing.
  • Third year, the subjects of study include Obstetrics and Gynaecological Nursing, Community Health Nursing II. Nursing Education, Introduction to Research, Professional trends and adjustments. Nursing Administration and Ward Management.


Duration of the course shall be four years including internship.


Minimum qualification

  • The minimum age for admission shall be 17 years on 31st December of the year in which admission is sought.
  • 10+2 class passed with Science (PCB) &. English Core / English Elective with aggregate of 45% marks from recognized board under AISSCE / CBSE / ICSE / SSCE / HSCE or other equivalent Board.
  • Students appearing in 10+2 examination in Science conducted by National Institute of Open School with 45% marks.
  • 5% Relaxation for SC/ST
  • Student should be medically fit

Student intake: 40 per year.

** It is mandatory to reside in the institutional hostel till completion of the course


  • The core subjects in the first year include Nursing Foundation, Nutrition, Biochemistry, Psychology, Microbiology, Anatomy, Physiology, introduction to Computers, English, Library work / Self-study and Co-curricular activities.
  • The second year subjects include Sociology, Pharmacology, Pathology & Genetics, Medical Surgical Nursing (Adult including geriatrics-I, Community Health Nursing-I, Communication and Educational Technology, Library work/ Self-study and Co-curricular activities.
  • The third year subjects include Medical Surgical Nursing (Adult including geriatrics) Child Health Nursing, Mental Health Nursing, Nursing Research & Statistics, Library work / Self-study and Co-curricular activities.
  • The fourth year subjects include Midwifery & Obstetrics Nursing, Community Health Nursing – II, and Management of Nursing Services and education. Internship is inbuilt, the experience includes Midwifery & Obstetrics Nursing, Community Health Nursing-II, Medical Surgical Nursing (adult and geriatric), Child Health and Mental Health (Nursing).


The under graduate nursing program at the Post basic BSc level is a broad based education, which builds upon the skills and competencies acquired at the diploma level.

The aim of this course is to upgrade the diploma (GNM) nurses to:

  • Assume responsibilities as professional, competent nurses and midwives at basic level in providing promotive, preventive, curative and rehabilitative services.
  • Make independent decisions in nursing situations, protect the rights of and facilitate individuals and groups in pursuit of health, function in the hospital, community nursing services and conduct research studies in the field of nursing practice. They are also expected to assume the role of teacher, supervisor/ manager in a clinical / public health setting.


Post Basic B. Sc. Nursing is a 2-year course


Minimum qualification

  • 12 + GNM
  • Those who have done 10 + 1 on or before 1986
  • The candidates should be registered Nurse and registered Midwife (or alternative registration in lieu of midwifery for male nurses) with any State Nursing Council. However, in order to be eligible to undergo this course, the candidate needs to obtain registration from Assam Nurses’ Midwives & Health Visitors’ Council.
  • Migration Certificate from the examining board / Nursing council will be required for registering to the University.

** It is preferable for students to reside in the institutional hostel. However, this is not mandatory.

Student intake: 20 per year.


  • First year subjects include Nursing Foundation, Nutrition & Dietetics, Biochemistry, Biophysics, Psychology, Maternal Nursing, Child Health Nursing, Microbiology, Medical & Surgical Nursing and English (Qualifying).
  • The second year comprises of subjects such as Sociology, Community Health Nursing, Introduction to Nursing Education, Introduction to Nursing Administration and Introduction to Nursing Research & Statistics.


Nursing Courses: 50% from Nagaland, 50% from other north-eastern states. 10% of the seats in both the branches are reserved for students sponsored by mission hospitals in the North-East, or by EHA Hospitals.

10% for Males (applicable for Nursing courses only).

10% for staff children.

5% for people with disability. (Disability certificate must be produced).

Selection will be based on merit. The best in each group will be selected.

A common entrance test will be conducted for all eligible applicants by the institution for all courses. The questions will be based on both 10th and 12th class syllabus of the Nagaland Board of Secondary education.

The shortlisted Candidates will be called for Practical test and interview.

The final selection will be based on merit.


Application & Registration fee2,500/-
Fee for each additional course applied200/-
Late fee200/-

A candidate can apply for 2 choices in Nursing and a maximum of three choices in Allied Health sciences and hence can have a total of 5 preferences.


1. Selection: All candidates must appear for written / practical test and interview conducted by the selection committee. (Note: No travelling expenses will be paid).

2. All candidates called for interview are required to bring a recent X-ray of the chest taken within the last three months clearly showing the name of candidate and date of X-ray taken.

3. If any candidate happens to gain admission to the course by providing false certificates or information, he/she shall be disqualified from the course as soon as it is detected and any fees already paid will not be refunded.

The selected candidates are expected to produce the following documents in original along with three photocopies each, at the time of registration: -


1. Mark sheet of 10th Standard.

2. Mark sheet of 12th Standard.

3. Pass certificate: 10th / 12th (if applicable).

4. Admit Card 10th & 12th and GNM, if available.

5. Birth Certificate (if not stated in the 10th / 12th admit card)

6. Certificate of Diploma in General Nursing and Midwifery or alternate course (applicable to male candidates)

7. Mark sheet of Diploma in General Nursing and Midwifery or alternate course (applicable to male candidates) from the Examining Board / Nursing Council

8. Registration Certificate of RN, RM from Nagaland Nursing Council

9. Transcript of Diploma in General Nursing and Midwifery or alternate course (applicable to male candidates).

10. Course completion certificate of Diploma in General Nursing and Midwifery or alternate course (applicable to male candidates).

11. Transfer certificate from the School of Nursing / College of Nursing last studied.


Migration certificate from the respective Board last studied in for those from other states and other Board of studies.

Candidates will not be permitted to join the course if the above documents are not submitted.


1. Candidates selected for admission into any course will be required to register by paying the prescribed fee and completing other necessary admission formalities. Fees once paid will not be refunded.

2. Submission of all original certificates is mandatory at the time of admission. Kindly take five photocopy of all certificates before submitting.

Note: The Admission Process is written as per the ordinance of the official Counselling Agency.

Fee Structure
Easy Booking

Note: The Fee Structure is as per the Notification of the official Counselling Agency, Please visit the official website in subject to any changes.


P.B No 31, 4th Mile, P.O, ARTC, Dimapur, Nagaland

Dimapur, Nagaland - 797115

phone: 3862-242555 / 3862-242555

email: [email protected]


Apply Now

Note: The apply-now form facilitates students (from pan India- rural, urban, and distant corners) to apply to various colleges, automatically forwarding their details to the respective institutions via email. ICCC is not liable for any responses from the colleges.

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